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All You Need To Know About Listening Intelligence

Updated: Dec 28, 2018

Effective listening is only said to have occurred when you pay attention consciously to what is being uttered or what you hear. Listening effectively involves being intentional, exerting effort and spending the time to pay attention to what someone or something is saying or the sound being produced respectively. It is possible for someone to hear something and fail to listen to it but hearing precedes listening. Listening is deep and flexible and most people tend to adapt their listening ability to what they want to pay attention to. Listening intelligence is about the use of skills and willingness to get more of the sound or speech being produced by a source that is mostly outside of us even though in some rare cases people can listen to themselves.

Listening intelligence is also applicable in the corporate world and when well utilized, it has the ability to do away with politics and resentment in the workplace. Listening intelligence also has the ability to improve the morale of employees and enables them to connect better with their senior supervisors and executives. This can go a long way in rejuvenating the organization and its objectives. Listening is a complex but comprehensible and easy to muster for every employee who needs to be more productive in their work. Organizations who put more focus on listening intelligence from the part of their employees generally have more positive results and are more productive in many ways. In hospitals it is important for doctors to have outstanding listening intelligence and when it is done well, the patients can recover fast because they feel that what they are suffering from has been understood and the most suitable treatment has been prescribed.

In hospitals where listening intelligence has been made to be a culture, the doctors and the patients alike have reported better job satisfaction and enjoyment. Doctors need to do more of listening and less of speaking because patients understand their bodies better than any other person. Listening intelligence culture is crucial for the success of all institutions. It improves the organizational initiative and makes the corporate value more understandable and adaptable. Listening intelligence cultivates organizational health and minimizes office politics which leads to improved innovation, efficiency, and better decision making. When listening culture is incorporated in organizations it enables groups to share ideas, contributions, and experiences which contributes to the overall growth and productivity of the business. It also helps to place value to the contribution of each individual which boosts the employee morale and consequently their productivity.

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